The Healthy Mind Blog

Counseling News and Therapy Tips for a Better You

The Healthy Mind Blog: Counseling News and Therapy Tips for a Better You2018-10-26T19:20:52-04:00

OCD Patients and Extreme Cleaning Activities

More than 50% of patients diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) fear contamination, germs and grime. These patients engage in excessive washing, cleaning and orderliness. They frequently wash themselves and items that surround them to reduce concerns [...]

Kids Do Not Confine Bullying to Other Children: Adults Can Be Targets Too

Physical attacks and verbal bullying are a widespread problem on school buses and other common areas where students may not be monitored by an adult. However, even when an adult is present, bullying can occur. [...]

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Insufficient Sleep Can Increase Anxiety

A recent study conducted at the Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory in California revealed that the brain anticipates anxiety more often when a person is deprived of sleep. Even adults who were not diagnosed with an [...]

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Disney Eliminates Sugary Ads from Kid’s Television Shows

A 2011 study conducted by Dr. Natalie Pearson and Professor Stuart Biddle confirmed that television commercials for unhealthy snacks influence poor eating decisions. Additionally, Dr. Biddle stated eating in front of the television is distracting and [...]

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Marriage and The Art of Arguing Fairly

Arguments can be a healthy part of marriage, but they often become painful and damaging to your relationship. When spouses have poor communication and do not show each other respect during an argument, this can [...]

Consumer Health: Will New York City Ban Sale of Large Size Sodas?

Politicians are public leaders, but can they create laws that will eliminate choices from the public’s diet? Dr. Robert Lustig stated in a 60 Minutes episode about sugar addictions that eating sugar creates “a public [...]

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