OCD Patients and Extreme Cleaning Activities

More than 50% of patients diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) fear contamination, germs and grime. These patients engage in excessive washing, cleaning and orderliness. They frequently wash themselves and items that surround them to reduce concerns about infection from germs, but continue to worry that they have not cleaned sufficiently. Extreme Cleaning Can Make a Normally [...]

2012-07-31T07:40:59-04:00By |OCD|Comments Off on OCD Patients and Extreme Cleaning Activities

Perfectionism: When Shooting for Perfection is Imperfect

People want to do their best when they start a task.  Often they have a self-imposed goal, which they may or may not achieve. The average person sets an attainable goal and feels satisfaction when he achieves it. If he makes a mistake, he can learn from the error and use his knowledge to improve. [...]

2012-03-29T07:27:17-04:00By |Anxiety Disorders|Comments Off on Perfectionism: When Shooting for Perfection is Imperfect
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