New Movie “Bully” is Expected to Promote Public Awareness about Bullying

“Bully”, a new movie, highlights the cruelty of bullying by portraying how it can damage the mental and physical health of victims. It also provides insight about how bullying can affect entire families. The film shows episodes of bullying and educates the public about the aftereffects it can cause. Part of the movie focuses on [...]

2012-03-31T15:39:55-04:00By |Bullying, Depressive Disorders, suicide, Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Movie “Bully” is Expected to Promote Public Awareness about Bullying

Suicide, Depression and How to Help

Although it is not uncommon for people to be sad occasionally, a person with depression constantly feels sad and hopeless. Sometimes people whose minds are in a perpetual state of depression think about committing suicide. Identifying the signs that someone is suicidal and taking the appropriate actions can help prevent him from ending his life. [...]

2012-03-27T16:40:22-04:00By |Depressive Disorders, suicide|Comments Off on Suicide, Depression and How to Help

Aftermath of Childhood Bullying

Were you a victim of childhood bullying? As an adult, you may think the trauma of childhood bullying is behind you. Sometimes it does not have lasting effects, but often the effects of childhood bullying may still influence your adult life. Often bullies target their victims when adults are not around. Bullying commonly occurs on a school [...]

2012-03-16T15:49:30-04:00By |Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Eating Disorders, Relationships, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Aftermath of Childhood Bullying

Are Prescription Drugs Controlling Your Life?

While you may be aware that drug addictions can damage your health and affect your mind, you may not realize that many health problems and deaths are caused by addictions to prescription drugs. The Bangor Daily News recently reported that almost every state is taking steps to monitor prescription drugs because of the high volume [...]

2012-03-06T13:31:21-05:00By |Addictions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are Prescription Drugs Controlling Your Life?
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