Treating an Internet Addiction

Using the Internet is essential to daily life for many people, but some Internet users are becoming addicted to the cyber-world. If you spend excessive amounts of time on the Internet, it can be unhealthy for your relationships, career, education and other notable aspects of your life. Using the Internet excessively can be a way [...]

2012-08-26T09:35:52-04:00By |Addictions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Treating an Internet Addiction

Aftermath of Childhood Bullying

Were you a victim of childhood bullying? As an adult, you may think the trauma of childhood bullying is behind you. Sometimes it does not have lasting effects, but often the effects of childhood bullying may still influence your adult life. Often bullies target their victims when adults are not around. Bullying commonly occurs on a school [...]

2012-03-16T15:49:30-04:00By |Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Eating Disorders, Relationships, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Aftermath of Childhood Bullying
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