Marriage and The Art of Arguing Fairly

Arguments can be a healthy part of marriage, but they often become painful and damaging to your relationship. When spouses have poor communication and do not show each other respect during an argument, this can lead to a breakdown in the marital relationship. It is more crucial to be valued and heard during an argument [...]

2012-06-12T13:39:32-04:00By |Relationships, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Marriage and The Art of Arguing Fairly

New Movie “Bully” is Expected to Promote Public Awareness about Bullying

“Bully”, a new movie, highlights the cruelty of bullying by portraying how it can damage the mental and physical health of victims. It also provides insight about how bullying can affect entire families. The film shows episodes of bullying and educates the public about the aftereffects it can cause. Part of the movie focuses on [...]

2012-03-31T15:39:55-04:00By |Bullying, Depressive Disorders, suicide, Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Movie “Bully” is Expected to Promote Public Awareness about Bullying
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