About Jessica Getson

As a Licensed Professional Counselor based in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania, I provide counseling in my private practice to clients throughout Philadelphia and the suburban Main Line. I specialize in helping adolescent and adult individuals and families suffering from Addictions (Substance, Behavioral and Food) and Eating Disorders. My practice also focuses on helping those with Depressive Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. I maintain a practice designed to help people through a wide variety of mental health disorders, emotional difficulties and transitional life events.

National Study Indicates Junk Food Laws May Reduce Children’s Obesity

A recent study, conducted by the Journal of Pediatrics, revealed that children who reside in states that have strong laws regarding the sale of junk food may be less likely to become obese. Dr. Daniel Taber, who led the study, concluded that consistent laws in each grade are crucial for the junk food laws to have [...]

2012-08-19T22:11:22-04:00By |Addictions, Eating Disorders, Uncategorized|Comments Off on National Study Indicates Junk Food Laws May Reduce Children’s Obesity

OCD Patients and Extreme Cleaning Activities

More than 50% of patients diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) fear contamination, germs and grime. These patients engage in excessive washing, cleaning and orderliness. They frequently wash themselves and items that surround them to reduce concerns about infection from germs, but continue to worry that they have not cleaned sufficiently. Extreme Cleaning Can Make a Normally [...]

2012-07-31T07:40:59-04:00By |OCD|Comments Off on OCD Patients and Extreme Cleaning Activities

Kids Do Not Confine Bullying to Other Children: Adults Can Be Targets Too

Physical attacks and verbal bullying are a widespread problem on school buses and other common areas where students may not be monitored by an adult. However, even when an adult is present, bullying can occur. Recently, a bullying attack occurred in Greece, New York while the victim was on a school bus. Surprisingly the  victim was not [...]

2012-07-26T12:36:08-04:00By |Anxiety Disorders, Bullying, Relationships, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Kids Do Not Confine Bullying to Other Children: Adults Can Be Targets Too

Insufficient Sleep Can Increase Anxiety

A recent study conducted at the Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory in California revealed that the brain anticipates anxiety more often when a person is deprived of sleep. Even adults who were not diagnosed with an anxiety disorder were likely to experience increased stress when they had insufficient sleep. Although lack of sleep can increase your [...]

2012-07-01T11:43:22-04:00By |Anxiety Disorders, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Insufficient Sleep Can Increase Anxiety

Disney Eliminates Sugary Ads from Kid’s Television Shows

A 2011 study conducted by Dr. Natalie Pearson and Professor Stuart Biddle confirmed that television commercials for unhealthy snacks influence poor eating decisions. Additionally, Dr. Biddle stated eating in front of the television is distracting and can lead to overeating. In particular, the researchers also noticed that parents may give children snacks to eat while watching [...]

2012-06-22T21:17:54-04:00By |Addictions, Eating Disorders, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Disney Eliminates Sugary Ads from Kid’s Television Shows
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