About Jessica Getson

As a Licensed Professional Counselor based in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania, I provide counseling in my private practice to clients throughout Philadelphia and the suburban Main Line. I specialize in helping adolescent and adult individuals and families suffering from Addictions (Substance, Behavioral and Food) and Eating Disorders. My practice also focuses on helping those with Depressive Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders. I maintain a practice designed to help people through a wide variety of mental health disorders, emotional difficulties and transitional life events.

Marriage and The Art of Arguing Fairly

Arguments can be a healthy part of marriage, but they often become painful and damaging to your relationship. When spouses have poor communication and do not show each other respect during an argument, this can lead to a breakdown in the marital relationship. It is more crucial to be valued and heard during an argument [...]

2012-06-12T13:39:32-04:00By |Relationships, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Marriage and The Art of Arguing Fairly

Consumer Health: Will New York City Ban Sale of Large Size Sodas?

Politicians are public leaders, but can they create laws that will eliminate choices from the public’s diet? Dr. Robert Lustig stated in a 60 Minutes episode about sugar addictions that eating sugar creates “a public health crisis.” According to Dr. Lustig, sugar can be addictive and cause many serious health problems. More recently, Mayor Michael [...]

2012-06-10T07:16:36-04:00By |Addictions, Eating Disorders, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Consumer Health: Will New York City Ban Sale of Large Size Sodas?

Addiction is not just drugs and alcohol anymore

Individuals have struggled with addictions for centuries. The focus of addiction treatment has historically been on drugs and alcohol. The mental health, psychiatric and medical fields are becoming more familiar with addictions and gaining respect for the additional substances and behaviors that qualify as addictions. The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders) will [...]

2012-06-07T15:24:20-04:00By |Addictions|Comments Off on Addiction is not just drugs and alcohol anymore

Are Extended Family Members Affecting Your Marriage?

When you marry, for better or worse, your spouse comes with extended family. Whether your in-laws or parents are opinionated or hands-off, chances are you and your spouse will need to get accustomed to your new family members. Sometimes parents or in-laws try to be helpful by constantly giving their opinions, but you may find their [...]

2012-05-30T21:03:36-04:00By |Marriage, Relationships, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are Extended Family Members Affecting Your Marriage?
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