Marriage and The Art of Arguing Fairly

Arguments can be a healthy part of marriage, but they often become painful and damaging to your relationship. When spouses have poor communication and do not show each other respect during an argument, this can lead to a breakdown in the marital relationship. It is more crucial to be valued and heard during an argument [...]

2012-06-12T13:39:32-04:00By |Relationships, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Marriage and The Art of Arguing Fairly

Are Prescription Drugs Controlling Your Life?

While you may be aware that drug addictions can damage your health and affect your mind, you may not realize that many health problems and deaths are caused by addictions to prescription drugs. The Bangor Daily News recently reported that almost every state is taking steps to monitor prescription drugs because of the high volume [...]

2012-03-06T13:31:21-05:00By |Addictions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are Prescription Drugs Controlling Your Life?
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