Treating an Internet Addiction

Using the Internet is essential to daily life for many people, but some Internet users are becoming addicted to the cyber-world. If you spend excessive amounts of time on the Internet, it can be unhealthy for your relationships, career, education and other notable aspects of your life. Using the Internet excessively can be a way [...]

2012-08-26T09:35:52-04:00By |Addictions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Treating an Internet Addiction

National Study Indicates Junk Food Laws May Reduce Children’s Obesity

A recent study, conducted by the Journal of Pediatrics, revealed that children who reside in states that have strong laws regarding the sale of junk food may be less likely to become obese. Dr. Daniel Taber, who led the study, concluded that consistent laws in each grade are crucial for the junk food laws to have [...]

2012-08-19T22:11:22-04:00By |Addictions, Eating Disorders, Uncategorized|Comments Off on National Study Indicates Junk Food Laws May Reduce Children’s Obesity
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