“Bully”, a new movie, highlights the cruelty of bullying by portraying how it can damage the mental and physical health of victims. It also provides insight about how bullying can affect entire families. The film shows episodes of bullying and educates the public about the aftereffects it can cause. Part of the movie focuses on teens who commit suicide because they were bullied. The movie’s message emphasizes that bullying is dangerous and can tragically affect the lives of victims and their families.
Councilman Jim Kenney wants schools to show the movie to educate teens about the repercussions and dangers of bullying. He hopes the movie will reduce bullying in schools. Click on http://articles.philly.com/2012-03-29/news/31254997_1_nadin-khoury-jamaal-jackson-kids to see the full article. Viewers are likely to realize that victims should get help if they are bullied.
Regardless of whether you are bullied verbally or physically, your mental health will improve if you share your problems and seek help. I am a licensed counselor, serving the Lafayette Hill and Main Line suburban area. Therapy can improve your mental health and help you become more optimistic and confident. A positive mental attitude can give you the confidence to embrace life and enjoy new challenges and opportunities.