Stress Management . . . Try these strategies!

An article provided by Psychology Today discussed that people are familiar with and do access many common stress management techniques. These techniques include exercise, yoga, deep breathing, warm baths, massages, etc. Although these techniques may be beneficial for some,they might not relieve stress for others. Three less common stress relievers were discussed in this article [...]

2012-11-13T22:09:18-05:00By |Stress Management|Comments Off on Stress Management . . . Try these strategies!

Study Reveals Stress Can Induce Poor Mental Health

According to a recent Forbes article, researchers recently presented findings at a New Orleans based Society for Neuroscience meeting. The presentations indicted that stress can affect mental health. Research by Dipesh Chaudhury revealed that stressful events can promote depression, which can affect brain waves so that the brain does not react positively to activities that [...]

2012-10-22T13:38:37-04:00By |Depressive Disorders, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Study Reveals Stress Can Induce Poor Mental Health
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