Sandy Hook Shootings Provide Pressure to Provide Mental Health Services

A January 23, 2013 NBC News report recently indicated that the Sandy Hook shootings are affecting the way state government is viewing mental health care. Formerly, many states were saving money by downsizing expenditures on mental health care. Given the current pressure to provide mental health care services, many states expect to allocate more revenues [...]

2013-01-30T15:16:55-05:00By |Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sandy Hook Shootings Provide Pressure to Provide Mental Health Services

Could You Be Addicted to Exercise?

Most people believe that following a healthy diet and exercising leads to positive mental and physical health; however, it is also possible to be addicted to exercising. Exercise dependence can infringe on daily life's responsibilities, create stress, impair relationships and lead to health problems. Exercise dependence is commonly linked with eating disorders. Those diagnosed with bulimia [...]

2012-11-30T02:08:56-05:00By |Addictions, Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, Stress Management|Comments Off on Could You Be Addicted to Exercise?
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