Consumer Health: Will New York City Ban Sale of Large Size Sodas?

Politicians are public leaders, but can they create laws that will eliminate choices from the public’s diet? Dr. Robert Lustig stated in a 60 Minutes episode about sugar addictions that eating sugar creates “a public health crisis.” According to Dr. Lustig, sugar can be addictive and cause many serious health problems. More recently, Mayor Michael [...]

2012-06-10T07:16:36-04:00By |Addictions, Eating Disorders, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Consumer Health: Will New York City Ban Sale of Large Size Sodas?

A Collector’s Nightmare: Your Health and Hoarding

Hoarding is often associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, anxiety, depression and other disorders that promote stress. Hoarders have an uncontrollable urge to collect items and have an often times irrational connection to them. They will refuse to dispose of items even if they have no space or need for them.  Sometimes hoarders will agree to [...]

2012-05-15T21:18:16-04:00By |Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Hoarding, OCD, Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Collector’s Nightmare: Your Health and Hoarding

Withdrawing from Sugar: Do You Have a Sugar Addiction?

For years, medical research has been linking sugar with obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other serious diseases. However, despite America’s love affair with sugar, the average person does not think of sugar as addictive. When we think of an addiction, our minds immediately wander to substances such as alcohol and drugs that are regulated by [...]

2012-04-17T20:45:50-04:00By |Addictions, Eating Disorders, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Withdrawing from Sugar: Do You Have a Sugar Addiction?

Suicide, Depression and How to Help

Although it is not uncommon for people to be sad occasionally, a person with depression constantly feels sad and hopeless. Sometimes people whose minds are in a perpetual state of depression think about committing suicide. Identifying the signs that someone is suicidal and taking the appropriate actions can help prevent him from ending his life. [...]

2012-03-27T16:40:22-04:00By |Depressive Disorders, suicide|Comments Off on Suicide, Depression and How to Help
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